
DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis and Gene Regulation

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  • What are the three nucleotides on a tRNA molecule called?
  • What is the function of DNA?
    store and transmit genetic information and regulate the production proteins
  • What allows antibodies to attach to foreign objects in the body?
    their shape
  • Besides the central dogma, what other process do organisms use to make proteins?
    None, it's universal
  • What are three nucleotides on an mRNA molecule that code for an amino acid called?
  • What does the lac operon control in E.coli?
    The breakdown of lactose
  • When the lac repressor protein attaches to the operator, what happens to the gene?
    turns lac gene off
  • What level of protein folding are the alpha helices and beta pleated sheets?
  • What is Chargaff’s rule?
    A=T & C=G
  • How do proteins affect DNA and gene expression?
    Turn genes on and off, wrap and unwrap DNA
  • What level of protein folding are peptide bonds?
  • The scientists credited with establishing the structure of DNA
    Watson & Crick
  • What keeps digestive enzymes from breaking down many different substrates?
    the shape of the active site
  • What starts transcription?
    RNA polymerase bonding to promoter
  • Why do cells regulate the expression of genes?
    they do not need the proteins that are specified by certain genes
  • What are the three types of RNA?
    mRNA, tRNA, rRNA
  • What is the role of the anticodon?
    to ensure the amino acid is brought to the appropriate codon
  • What level of protein folding combines multiple polypeptide chains into complete proteins?
  • In eukaryotic organisms when a gene is turned off, describe the condition of the DNA
    tightly wrapped around histones
  • In order for protein synthesis to occur, mRNA must migrate from the nucleus to
    the ribosome
  • What are the three parts of a nucleotide?
    Sugar, Phosphate, Nitrogen Base
  • When proteins are embedded in the cell membrane which amino acids, hydrophilic or hydrophobic are in the middle of the membrane?
  • What molecules is DNA “rewritten” into during transcription?
  • What are the chemical tags that turn genes on?