
How do you say?

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  • 太遗憾了!
    What a pity!
  • 1- little 2- less 3- the ....?
    the least (as little as possible)
  • 1- good 2- better 3- ? the .....
    good better the best
  • 我回给你打电话的
    I'll call you. I will call you. I shall call you.
  • 这是我的书
    This is my book.
  • 你知道她住几楼吗?
    Do you know what floor he lives?
  • 1- bad 2- worse 3- ? the .....
    bad worse the worst
  • 他会弹吉他
    He can play the guitar.
  • 我最喜欢夏天
    I like summer the most. I like summer the best.
  • 这些是我的同事
    These are my colleagues.
  • 你认识他吗?
    Do you know him?
  • 这些是我的衣服
    These are my clothes.
  • 真厉害!
    Amazing! That's amazing!
  • 这是我的朋友
    This is my friend.
  • 我会说英语
    I can speak English.
  • 1- far 2- further 3- the ....
    the furthest
  • 我希望你快点好起来
    I hope you get well soon.
  • 我不认识这个字
    I don't know this Chinese character.
  • 她在洗澡
    She is taking a shower.
  • 你一定很累吧?
    I guess you must be very tired?
  • 你认识这个单词吗?
    Do you know this word?
  • (in a family) 1- old 2- elder 3- ...the.....?
    the eldest