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  • What's the date of your birthday? A. I was born in May. B. I was born on July 15th. C. I was born in 1999. D. I was born on a Tuesday.
    B. I was born on July 15th.
  • What do Ben and Moby do with the cake in the end?
    They celebrate grandma's birthday a little early.
  • We need some fruit and vegetables. A. We must go to the museum. B. We have to go to the zoo. C. We have to go to the store. D. We must go to the library.
    C. We have to go to the store.
  • How does Moby go to the store? By ________.
  • When does Ben think is grandmother's birthday at first?
    September 3rd
  • Ben already cleaned his room.
  • Will Larry come to grandmother's birthday?
    No, he won't.
  • Number 102 won the race because he ran so ________. A. slow B. slowly C. fast D. quick
    C. fast
  • Ben and Moby need to go to the store __________.
  • When's grandmother's birthday?
    March 9th
  • What does Larry say that Ben and Moby must do?
    They must celebrate grandmother's birthday nicely.
  • What's the date today (in the video clip)?
    September 2nd
  • Why does Ben make a mistake about grandmother's birthday?
    Larry lives in England. Moby and Ben live in the US. In England, they write day first, and then month. In the US, they write month first, and then day.
  • How can you get to the store from Ben and Moby's house?
    Turn left on First Street, then turn right on Eleven Street.
  • Who does Ben receive a letter from?
    His cousin Larry
  • Choose the best sentence for the picture. A. Ben is celebrating nicely. B. Ben is early. C. Ben is playing. D. Ben is working hard.
    D. Ben is working hard.
  • When was grandmother born?
    March 9th, 1940
  • How do Ben and Moby have to work?
    They have to work fast.
  • How do the puppies play together? A. happy B. happily C. fun D. celebrating
    B. happily
  • How do they dance together? A. They are good dancers. B. They are beautiful. C. They dance beautifully together. D. They are dancing the waltz together.
    C. They dance beautifully together.
  • School starts at 8:00 and it's only 7:30 now. A. I'm early. B. I'm late. C. I'm in a hurry. D. Finally, I'm here.
    A. I'm early.
  • Where is Larry living this year?