
have got/has got

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  • We have got a minute?
    Have we got a minute?
  • You have got a big garden?
    Have you got a big garden?
  • .....Rick and Mike ... a lot of computer games?
    Have Rick and Mike got a lot of computer games?
  • Have your grandparents got a car? Yes, they got.
    Have your grandparents got a car? Yes, they have.
  • He hasn't many friends.
    He hasn't got many friends.
  • Has Henry got a TV in his room? No, he hasn't.
    Has Henry got a TV in his room? No, he hasn't.
  • My sister have got long hair.
    My sister has got long hair.
  • Robert has got lots of friends at school.
    Robert has got lots of friends at school.
  • I's got swimming practice at 7.
    I've got swimming practice at 7.
  • ...he .... a laptop?
    Has he got a laptop?
  • My parents .... a big bedroom.
    My parents have got \ haven't got a big bedroom.
  • Have your friends got a pet?
    Have your friends got a pet?
  • Has got she a brother?
    Has she got a brother?
  • ..... everything you need?
    Have you got everything you need?
  • I not have got a big red flag in my room.
    I haven't got a big red flag in my room.