
Andrew Jackson

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  • Which group was most upset by Jackson's crusade to destroy the Bank of the United States?
    the rich and well-born
  • Which state threatened to secede when Jackson failed to nullify the tariff law?
    South Carolina
  • Andrew Jackson was a founding leader and member of which Political Party?
    Democrats (Democratic)
  • Which amendment gave southern states like South Carolina "states rights" power to nullify federal laws and threaten to secede?
    10th Amendment
  • Jackson's practice of rewarding political supporters with a government jobs was known as-
    The Spoils System
  • Andrew Jacksons election victory in 1828 depended on support from who?
    The common people (poor-southern farmer)
  • Which present-day state were most of the Native Americans relocated to during Andrew Jackson's presidency?
  • What law allowed the forceable removal of Native Americans to lands west of the Mississippi River?
    The Indian Removal Act
  • The Nullification Crisis was triggered by strong state opposition to the -
    Tariff of Abominations (1828)
  • Andrew Jackson was known for being a hero when he beat the British in what major battle? 
    Battle of New Orleans 
  • The Creek, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw and the Seminole were known as the -
    The 5 Civilized Tribes
  • What event describes the forcible marched over 1,200 miles of rugged land where 4,000 of the Cherokee Indian tribe died of disease, famine, and warfare?
    The Trail of Tears
  • By 1828, voting requirements in most states changed to give all _________ ___________ the right to vote.
    White men (males)
  • When Jackson was elected he became known as the what president?
    "Peoples President"
  • Andrew Jackson celebrated his inauguration and this historic location?
    The White House
  • An area of land reserved for a Native American tribe or tribes is called a-
    Reservation (s)
  • Americans relocated many Native Americans for the purpose to obtain more --
    Agricultural land and Gold
  • Andrew Jackson was the ______ U.S president?
  • Who beat Jackson in the election of 1824-this event became known as the "corrupt bargain"?
    John Q. Adams
  • Which Supreme Court case did President Jackson ignore the ruling in which Georgia could not take Cherokee lands nor could the federal government forcibly remove natives off their land?
    Worcester V. Georgia
  • What major WAR did Jackson  rise to fame for?
    The War of 1812