
Backyard Bug Battle

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  • Would you like to eat a pea that is the size of a basketball?
  • What example did Buzz’s dad give to explain how great his invention is?
    He said it could change gardening forever.
  • How did Buzz catch the wasp?
    He made a lasso out of a hose and caught him with it?
  • How did the drink land on the plant?
    Buzz tripped over Raggs and spilled it.
  • What is Buzz’s friend’s name?
  • Where did Buzz put the fly after he caught it?
    In the garbage can
  • What was the invention that Buzz showed Larry?
    Buzz Beaker’s Super Sticky Bug Goo
  • What is Buzz’s dog’s name?
  • Is this book fiction or non-fiction?
  • What is the setting for this story?
    The backyard
  • How did Buzz catch the bee?
    He tricked the bee into going into the net, then tied him up in it.
  • What happened when the blue "drink" landed on the bush?
    The flowers and the bugs suddenly grew huge.
  • What did Buzz think his Dad’s super secret project was when he got it out of the refrigerator?
    Blue Splash Punch
  • What do you think might have happened if Buzz and Larry drank what they thought was punch?
    They would have become huge.
  • What did Buzz’s dad say his invention would do to peas?
    Make them the size of basketballs.