
Just, Already, yet

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  • They / buy / a / birthday / present / for / him / already
    The have already bought a birthday present for him.
  • He _________ _________ ________ (start) preparing a meal.
    has, just, started
  • AlexandI/not/be/toLosAngeles/yet
    Alexandi hasn`t been to Los Angeles yet!
  • They ________ ________ (not, be) to London _________.
    haven`t, benn, yet!
  • Your/dad/eat/an/octopus/?/yet
    Has your dad eaten an octopus yet?
  • She / send / all /the /postcards / already
    She has already sent all the postcards!
  • My younger sister ________ ________ ________ (do) the washing up.
    has, already, done
  • ________ you ________ (eat) the breakfast ________?
    Have, eaten, yet?
  • My friend ________ ________ (not, write) his homework ________.
    hasn`t, written, yet
  • The/cat/catch/a/mouse/just
    The car has just caught a mouse
  • We / finish / this / exercise / just
    WE have just finished the exercise.