
Jamaica's Government Structure

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  • How many persons does the prime minister appoint to the senate?
  • How many people make up the senate?
  • The police force is a part of the Judiciary. True or False
  • A General election selects Councillors and Mayors. True or False
  • Who selects the Members of Cabinet?
    The Prime Minister
  • Who is the Minister of Finance and Planning is Jamaica?
    Dr. Nigel Clarke
  • Which arm of government is responsible for making laws?
  • How many persons does the opposition recommends to the senate?
  • Give the names of 3 courts in Jamaica
    The court of appeal, Supreme Court, Resident Magistrate's Court, Petty Sessions' Court, Traffic Court, Family Court, Gun Court, Revenue Court
  • Who is the head of state of Jamaica?
    The Queen/King
  • Which arm of government is responsible for administering the law?
  • Parliament is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. (True or False)
  • What does the abbreviation EOJ means?
    Electoral Office of Jamaica
  • What is the name of the place where Members of Parliament meet to discuss the nation's business?
    Gordon House
  • For how long must a person live in Jamaica before he or she can apply for citizenship through naturalisation?
    For a minimum of five years
  • What are the names of the 2 main political parties in Jamaica?
    PNP and JLP
  • Who represents the Queen in Jamaica?
    The Governor General
  • At what age are Jamaicans now able to vote?
  • What are the 3 branches of government?
    Judiciary(judicial), Legislative(legislature), Executive
  • Who is the head of the Jamaican government?
    The Prime Minister
  • What right was granted to Jamaican citizens in 1944?
    The right to vote
  • Is paying tax a right or a responsibility?
  • What are the names of the two elections we have in Jamaica?
    The General Election and the Local Government Election
  • What are 5 ways a person can become a citizen of Jamaica?
    Descent, Adoption, Marriage, Naturalisation, birth
  • Who is the Minister of Health in Jamaica?
    Dr. Christopher Tufton
  • Into how many constituencies is Jamaica divided?