
Lab Safety

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  • What should students with long hair do when working with chemicals, flames, and lab equipment?
    Tie back their hair.
  • At the end of the lab activity, what should students do if their hands came in contact with chemicals?
    Wash their hands!
  • What MUST you be wearing at all times when working with chemicals, burners, or glassware?
    Safety Googles.
  • What should a student do if they accidentally break glassware?
    Report the accident to the teacher right away.
  • Why is it important to clean the lab area clean and organized?
    -So we know where materials are at all times. -To avoid spills. -To avoid breakage. -So materials last longer. -Increases safety in the classroom etc.
  • Show the teacher and other students where the safety googles are.
    Front right side of the classroom.
  • If an accident injures your teacher, who should you immediately contact?
    The school nurse.
  • Which violation (the first, second, or third) results in dismissal from class, the ISS Room, loss of lab credit, and a phone call home?
    First violation.
  • True or false: Students are allowed to use the sink if they ask for permission.
  • Why can't students eat or drink in the lab?
    Due to cross contamination/ it is dangerous.
  • Which violation (the first, second, or third) results in the student being dismissed from all future lab activities and attending ISS for all remaining labs.
    Third Violation.
  • True or false: Students are encouraged to "try out" experiments that have not been assigned because it improves science skills.
    False- Students are not permitted to try out experiments that have not been assigned.
  • True or false: You can wear baggy clothes in the lab if you properly secure them (for example- rolling up your sleeves).
  • What happens if you do not get your lab safety contract signed?
    You will not be able to participate in the lab.
  • True or false: It is okay to eat or drink in the lab if you ask first.
    False! You must eat or drink outside the classroom.
  • When using sharp objects (scissors, pins, tacks, etc.) in which direction should you direct the sharp edge?
    Away from you.
  • True or false: It is okay to sit on the lab desk or lab counter if you ask for permission.
    False- students are not permitted to sit on the desk or counter.
  • Locate the fire extinguisher in this room.
    Against the wall to the left when you enter the room.
  • After the lab is over, what should we do before we store the dirty glassware?
    Clean the glassware.
  • Which violation (the first, second, or third) results in dismissal from class, ISS Room, loss of lab credit, call home, &a meeting with the parent + child + teacher prior to the student re-entering the lab?
    Second Violation.
  • True or false: If your pencil is behind a flame, it is okay to quickly reach across that flame if you are careful.
    False- Never reach across a flame.
  • How many days do you have to get your Lab Safety Contract signed?
    7 days- 1 week from today.
  • Prior to starting an experiment, what should students read?
    The directions for that lab.
  • When working with specimens such as preserved animals, what should students do once the lab is over- especially before lunch?
    Wash their hands!
  • If an accident or injury happens during class, what should the students do?
    Report it immediately to the teacher.
  • List 2 accidents that could occur if a student does not follow one of the lab safety procedures.
    They could hurt themselves. They could hurt a peer. They could break something, etc.
  • When doing a lab, what should students do with their personal belongings?
    Move them away from the lab area.