
Multiple Meaning Words

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  • rose
    1. a flower 2. to go up
  • past
    1. referring to things that already happened 2. by (to walk past something)
  • clear
    1. able to see through 2. obvious
  • squash
    1. a vegetable 2. to flatten
  • key
    1. an object used to open a door 2. answer key- a list of the answers to questions
  • order
    1. to ask for something 2. to arrange things in a sequence or pattern
  • pitcher
    1. a person who pitches the ball 2. a container used to pour liquid into a glass
  • speaker
    1. a person who speaks. 2. a device used to amplify sound
  • ruler
    1. a measuring stick 2. a person who rules
  • racket
    1. sport's equipment used for tennis 2. a loud noise
  • spring (can you think of 4 meanings?)
    1. the season 2. a coil (found in a bed) 3. to move quickly 4. a body of water
  • handle
    1. the part of an object that you hold and carry 2. to deal with something
  • row
    1. to move oars and make a boat move 2. a horizontal line in a table
  • roll
    1. a piece of bread 2. to move along the ground
  • rest
    1. to relax 2. the remainder of an amount
  • record
    1. to write down information 2. a disc that plays music 3. the best (set the record for highest jump)
  • shed
    1. a small building 2. to lose hair or fur
  • pen
    1. a writing tool 2. a cage to keep animals in
  • kind
    1. a type 2. nice
  • ship
    1. a boat 2. to send a package
  • rock
    1. a stone 2. a type of music
  • tire
    1. to exhaust 2. a circular object that allows vehicles to move
  • rare
    1. uncommon 2. uncooked
  • seal
    1. to close permanently 2. a marine animal
  • rash
    1. an area of red bumps on the skin 2. quick and thoughtless (decision)
  • bolt
    1. to run away quickly 2. a type of screw 3. lightning bolt
  • match
    1. to find the similarity between two things 2. a stick used to create a fire
  • block
    1. a wooden cube 2. to get in the way to prevent something from moving
  • right
    1. correct 2. opposite of left
  • change
    1. to make different 2. coins/money
  • season
    1. a time of year (fall, winter, spring, summer) 2. to put flavor on food
  • odd
    1. absurd/ weird 2. numbers that are not divisible by 2 (the opposite of even numbers)