
Balderdash (Difficult)

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  • senary
    involving or based on six; having a numerical base of six
  • gasconism
  • aligerous
  • pleach
    to intertwine the branches of
  • jaggery
    coarse and dark sugar
  • quinquadrate
    a thirty-second power of a numbe
  • tumefacient
    causing swelling
  • glandiform
    gland-shaped; acorn-shaped
  • eudiaphoresis
    normal perspiration
  • paragnosia
  • anesis
    tuning to a lower musical pitch
  • redact
    to edit; work into shape; to frame
  • dipleidoscope
    instrument for measuring moment when an object passes a meridian
  • adelaster
    provisional name for a plant whose flowers are unknown
  • mentonniere
    armour covering the chin, neck, and lower part of the face
  • onychoid
    like a fingernail
  • synteresis
    conscience as guide to action; intuitive moral knowledge
  • alt
    high musical tone
  • obelize
    to condemn as spurious, doubtful, or corrupt
  • ideography
    writing using signs representing ideas rather than sounds
  • kazachoc
    Slavic fast dance in which dancer squats and kicks out legs alternately
  • hydrotimeter
    instrument for measuring water hardness
  • immission
    insertion; infusion
  • metalliferous
    bearing metal
  • cryptaesthetic
    of, like or pertaining to supranormal perception
  • saturnine
    of a gloomy or surly disposition; sardonic
  • idiochromatic
    having unique or distinctive coloration
  • vacuist
    one who holds that an absolute vacuum is possible in nature
  • tintinnabulate
    to ring; to tinkle
  • olfactible
    able to be smelled