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  • If you ... anything suspicious, let us know.
    come across
  • A girlfriend or a boyfriend who cheats is (faithful)
  • You must buy a ticket when you ... the bus.
    get on
  • It was a mistake not to tell my fans the truth. (I wish / If only)
    I wish / If only I had told my fans the truth.
  • People who lie are ... . (honest)
  • I need to ... some money so I can pay you back.
    take out
  • He turned up late, so the fans were annoyed. (3rd conditional)
    The fans wouldn't have been annoyed if he hadn't turned up late.
  • Behaviour that doesn't make sense is ... . (rational)
  • I am successful today as a result of behaving ethically in the past. (mixed conditional)
    If I hadn't behaved ethically in the past, I wouldn't be successful today.
  • In this job, you won't succeed unless you lie. (unless)
    In this job, if you don't lie, you won't succeed.
  • Look out! Don't ... that rabbit!
    run over
  • Someone who's unable to do something is ... .(capable)
  • I dream about being powerful and changing the world. (2nd conditional)
    If I were powerful, I would change the world.
  • Something that is unlikely is ... . (probable)