
Getting To Know Your Group Members

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  • If you could travel anywhere where would you travel?
    (answers vary)
  • What's your favorite gift you received this year (can be from birthday or a holiday) and why?
    (answers vary)
  • What super power would you want and why?
    (answers vary)
  • What video game have you not played before, but want to learn more about?
    (answers vary)
  • Where's your favorite place to eat at?
    (answers vary)
  • What's your biggest pet peeve and why?
    (answers vary)
  • What's your ideal weekend?
    (answers vary)
  • If you were stranded somewhere what would 3 things be that you would bring and why?
    (answers vary)
  • Do you have any siblings? If so tell us something about them!
    (answers vary)
  • What's your favorite part of remote learning and why?
    (answers vary)
  • What video game character would you want to be and why?
    (answers vary)