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  • Protectorate...
    A country that is controlled by another.
  • Isthmus...
    A small strip of land that connects two larger bodies of land.
  • According to the picture, why do you think Uncle Sam looks the way he does? Write at least a paragraph (5 sentences min)
    Imperialism, gain more land
  • The Panama Canal was built by America to help let foreign countries pass through North and South America.
  • During the late 19th century, some United States newspapers printed exaggerated stories of Spanish cruelty in Cuba. These reports helped bring on the Spanish-American War by...
    making the American people angry at Spain.
  • Francisco “Pancho” Villa killed Americans in hope to damage Mexican-American relations (anger Americans).
  • During the Age of Imperialism, the American press used yellow journalism, or sensationalizing headlines and news stories to sell more nWhich of the following headlines about the sinking of the Maine is the best ex of yellow journ
    Destruction of the Warship Maine was the Work of an Enemy
  • This country owned Alaska before it was sold to the United States and became a U.S. territory.
  • Why did Russia and Japan start the Russo-Japanese War?
    Japan ignored the Open Door Policy and decided it wanted to take more land.
  • The Boxer Rebellion...
    Chinese fighting against foreign countries trying to take over China.
  • What was the main reason the United States developed an Open Door Policy?
    To allow the United States to expand its trading with China.
  • The Rough Riders were a well-trained group of soldiers who lost their first battle in Cuba.
  • *Be sure to answer ALL parts!* What does this petition want to accomplish? Who are the people signing this petition and who are they sending it to? Write at least a paragraph (5 sentences)
    Native Hawaiians, Don't want to be part of US, President McKinley
  • Moral Diplomacy...
    Woodrow Wilson’s attempt to spread Democracy to countries that needed help.
  • Which of the following is a reason why countries colonized other nations? (imperialism)
    They needed raw materials.
  • This was the name of the ship sunk in Havana Harbor which helped to ignite the Spanish American War.
    USS Maine
  • During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, U.S. foreign policy was closely tied to money concerns. The annexation of Hawaii, the Open Door Policy with China, and the construction of the Panama Canal were all motivated by
    Acquiring new areas to get new sources of raw materials
  • President Taft’s policy of Dollar Diplomacy resulted in...
    American investments (trade/business) in Latin America.
  • Which of the following became U.S. territories or protectorates following America’s victory in the Spanish-American War?
    Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Guam
  • The Roosevelt Corollary stated...
    the U.S. had the right to get involved in Latin America to preserve order.
  • Which of the following was NOT a reason that the U.S. sided with Cuba in their fight for independence?
    The Spanish stole the Philippines from the U.S.
  • Armistice...
    A peace agreement.