
Hot Baths and Cold Swims

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  • What simpler word is similar to 'nevertheless'?
    To say 'but'
  • What is inflammation?
    When a muscle becomes bigger, feels hot.
  • What do we mean by 'a day out'?
    To go somewhere for a day.
  • What is this place?
    A bowling alley
  • What activity can burn calories?
  • What is 'cold shock'?
    When we go into cold water our breathing changes etc.
  • Name a good country to go cold swimming in.
  • What is this place called?
    A water park
  • What does 'monitor' mean?
    To watch closely
  • What is the past participle form of swim?
  • When do we use 'However'?
    To contrast, say a different point
  • When do we use 'In addition'?
    To add more information
  • Give an example of a social activity.
  • Describe a sauna.
    A hot place you can sit and relax
  • What can cold swimming help lower?
    Blood pressure
  • When do we use 'suprisingly'?
    When we are surprised at a point