
How Kids Changed the World-Black History

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  • They sat quietly at the counter and ___________ with each ___________.
    chatted, other.
  • What do you do at a sit in?
    You sit at a restaraunt and ask to be served.
  • In training, Ayanna and others learned the Principals of __________________?
  • We practiced being ____________ and not ___________ back.
    calm; yelling
  • Ayanna's group was amazed at NYC because they were not segregated? (T or F)
  • Finally, in 1964 President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Right's Act which was a law that said what?
    Segregation was illegal--ALL over the country.
  • How old was Ayanna when she became part of the civil right's movement?
  • Name four character traits that Ayanna and the others had.
    Persaverance; courage; boldness; kind; patient; brave; strong; fearless; fighter; confident
  • The lunch counters tried different things to stop the sit-ins. Name two.
    Took away all the chairs; refused service; wouldn't let them use the bathroom;
  • In training, they learned about MLK and Mahatma Gandhi who believed in _________?
  • On OK city, what did the signs say?
    Whites only; Colored only
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964 which meant African Americans could: (name three things)
    Drink from the same water fountain, attend public school; eat in any restaurant; use the same bathrooms; drink from the same water fountain
  • They learned that people are scared of _______________?
  • What happened on the third day when they ordered their food?
    The waitress brought it to them.
  • Ayanna and the group went back a second day. They ordered sodas but again denied. The group did not _________ _____________. They were determined.
    give up
  • At their first sit-in, Ayanna and her friends wore their oldest clothes are very rude to the waitresses. (T or F)
  • Where did Ayanna live when she was a child?
    Oklahoma City, OK
  • Ayanna didn't think her voice was as important as everyone else's voice. (T or F)
  • Name two things the others did to them while they sat at the counter.
    Refused service; poured coffee on them; poured ketchup on them; yelled at them
  • Ayanna and her friends where not going to leave until when?
    They were served.
  • A sit in is a _____________________ way to change something that is unfair.
  • How many other kids were in the group that traveled to NYC in 1958?
  • After their first success at desegregating Katz lunch counter, why didn't they stop there?
    There was so much work to be done. There were still many lunch counters that were segregated.
  • What did Ayanna notice that was different in NYC than in her hometown?
    White people and African Americans could do the same things--same water fountain, stay same hotels, eat in same restaurants
  • After their third sit-in, what happened?
    The lunch counter was no longer segregated.
  • African American and White kids went to school together in the South? (T or F)
  • Ayanna wasn't scared because she knew they were doing ___________ __________ ________.
    the right thing
  • What does segregation mean?
    White people and African Americans were kept apart.
  • This story Takes place in 1985? (True or false)
  • Ayanna's parents and others wanted to make sure the children were safe so they all went into_________?