
Manipulative Language

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  • How do others feel when we use "U" Messages?
    Guilty, blamed, upset, the problem is bigger now
  • Why might we lie to someone?
    lack of confidence, say something with out thinking, to get attention, to stay out of trouble, to get something they want
  • If I use language with my friend that makes them feel guilty, what might happen to our friendship?
    No wrong answer here
  • How might someone feel when we use manipulative language?
    Guilty, sad, confused
  • Why might we say things to make others feel bad, even if we do not mean to?
    Lost control of our emotions, to make ourselves feel better
  • Yes or No: Is lying a form of manipulative language?
  • If I am not honest with my friends, what might happen to our friendship?
    No wrong answer here
  • Manipulative language or Friendly Language: Your friend does not respond back to you right away so you send: "I guess you do not have to respond to me if you don't want to...."
    Manipulative Language
  • When someone does not respond back to us right away do you: 1. be patient and give them time or 2. Send them more and more messages