
BNE Feb1: RoboCop

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  • Which city did Robocop start working? Robocop started working in __________.
    Robocop started working in Dubai.
  • What will Robocop fight? Robocop will fight ___________.
    Robocop will fight crime.
  • How many languages does Robocop speak? Robocop speaks ______ languages.
    Robocop speaks six languages.
  • What can Robocop figure out? Robocop can figure out _______'s _________s.
    Robocop can figure out people's feelings.
  • What will happen by 2030? ___% of Dubai's ________ will be robots.
    25% of Dubai's police will be robots.
  • How tall is Robocop? Robocop is _______ centimeters tall.
    Robocop is 170 centimeters tall.
  • What happens if you drive too fast? You must pay a ________________.
    You must pay a ________________.
  • What did Robocop do in the hotel? Robocop _______ed __________.
    Robocop greeted guests.