
Present perfect vs Past Simple

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  • She/already/ see/ this film.
    She has already seen this film.
  • Her sister/ never/ buy/ an expensive dress.
    Her sister has never bought an expensive dress.
  • Tom / buy/ a new car last year.
    Tom bought a new car last year.
  • She / go / to Spain last summer?
    Did she go to Spain last summer?
  • I/ never / be / to Spain
    I 've never been to Spain.
  • You / watch/ that film / yesterday?
    Did you watch that film yesterday?
  • I/ just/ do/ my homework.
    I have just done my homework.
  • My parents/ not/ get up/yet.
    My parents haven't got up yet.
  • Martha / take / a lot of photos last Summer.
    Martha took a lof of photos last Summer.
  • You / ever / be / to the USA?
    Have you ever been to the USA?
  • She/ be / in the Cinema last Sunday.
    She was in the Cinema last Sunday .