
Fun for Starters U22

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  • Students sit at it in the classroom.
    A desk
  • You carry your books, notebooks, pencils and pens in it.
    A school bag
  • Children play there after school.
    A playground.
  • It is in every room. People walk on it, put things on it.
    The floor.
  • It's a part of a computer. You click with it.
    A mouse
  • It is not very big. You can keep toys, books or clothes in it.
    A cupboard
  • You can rub out your mistakes with it.
    A rubber or an eraser.
  • You can draw with them.
  • It is sometimes green, sometimes black and sometimes white. You can write with chalk or markers on it.
    A board.
  • You draw lines with it.
    A ruler
  • It is an electronic device for playing games and learning information.
    A tablet.
  • A big picture with information about films or concerts.
    A poster
  • You use it to type texts.
    A keyboard
  • It's a man or a woman who gives you lessons at school.
    A teacher
  • You can write on it or draw or paint on it.
    sheets of paper
  • People keep their books in it.
    A bookcase.
  • There are a lot of these in a book.