
The Cold War

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  • Race between the US and Soviet Union to explore outer space during the Cold War
    The Space Race
    The Arms Exploration
    Space Initiative
  • government of the people - citizens elect their representatives by voting
  • The belief that if S.Vietnam fell to the communists, other parts of Asia would also become communists.
    Domino Theory
    Red Scare
    Communism control
  • What was the "Iron Curtain"?
    Imaginary line that divided East and Western Europe
    Border between the US and the Soviet Union
    Wall of steel constructed to separate Berlin
  • The US aided West Berlin by flying in food and fuel when Soviet troops cut off the city’s supply
    Berlin Airlift
    Berlin Wall
    Flight for food
  • What was the Truman Doctrine?
    the space race
    a policy to contain the spread of communism
    a program to develop the hydrogen bomb
    the antiwar movement
  • Conflict in the 60s and 70s; the US sent soldiers to South Vietnam to try to prevent communism from taking over the nation
    Korean War
    Vietnam War
    Nuclear Arms Race
  • which statement explains why the US became involved in the Vietnam War?
    To train communist forces for battle with Russia
    To convince N.Vietnam and its allies to join NATO
    US wanted to stop the spread of communism
  • The Cold War was mostly a competition between the US and
    Soviet Union
    Great Britain
  • US policy promising to help countries that the Soviet Union tried to turn communist
    Truman Doctrine
  • According to Winston Churchill, what was dividing Europe between the communist East and the democratic West
    Truman Doctrine
    the Berlin Wall
    an iron curtain
    the Warsaw Pact
  • Why was the Berlin Wall built?
    To keep East Germans from entering West Berlin
    to keep Germany from invading Great Britain
    to keep the Soviet Union from invading West Germany
  • what was the result of the Korean War?
    Korea was united under a communist government
    Korea remained divide N.Korea still communists. STALEMATE
    Communism did not exist in any part of Korea after the war
  • Period of panic and fear that communism was spreading in the United States
    Truman Policy
    Warsaw Pact
    Red Scare
  • What is a "Cold War"?
    war fought during the winter months
    War fought without weapons on a battlefield.
    War fought between more than two countries
  • Senator that headed a movement to find any communists within American government and society
    Nikita Khruschev
    Lyndon Johnson
    Joseph McCarty
    Harry Truman
  • What was the purpose of NATO?
    to support the Warsaw Pact
    to defend member countries from the threat of communism
    to end the construction of nuclear weapons
  • Organization headed by Eleanor Roosevelt, formed to stop the spread of communism
    NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
    League of Nations
    Warsaw Pact
  • Who first used the term "Iron Curtain" to describe Europe during the Cold War?
    Joseph Stalin
    Winston Churchill
    John F. Kennedy
    Franklin Roosevelt
  • Alliance between the Soviet Union and the communist controlled nations of eastern Europe formed in response to NATO
    Warsaw Pact
    Allied Powers
    League of Nations
    Axis Powers
  • 35th President of the US, President during the Cuban Missile Crisis
    Lyndon Johnson
    John F. Kennedy
    Dwight Eisenhower
  • The Cold War was competition between which countries?
    US and Germany
    US and Soviet Union
    Soviet Union and Germany
  • Race to build more and better weapons than the enemy
    Nuclear Arms Race
    Battle of Arms
    Space Arms Race
  • Who was the Cuban leader that allowed Soviet to place missiles in Cuba?
    Fidel Castro
    Nikita Khruschev
    Joseph Stalin
  • What was the main cause of the cold war between the US and Soviet Union after WWII?
    the conflict between north and south Korea
    the Soviet Union's support of Germany
    differences in government and economic beliefs
    rivalry for control of nuclear missiles
  • Who coined the term "Iron Curtain" in reference to the division of Europe?
    Dwight Eisenhower
    John F. Kennedy
    Winston Churchill
    Franklin Roosevelt
  • What was the Berlin Wall?
    Wall built to keep West Berliners from escaping to E.Berlin
    Imaginary border btw. east and west Berlin
    Wall built to keep East Berliners from escaping to W.Berlin
  • Why was the Korean War fought?
    To stop the spread of communism
    China supported South Korea so US went to help North Korea
    US wanted to keep south Korea from invading North Korea
  • government owns all businesses and land and the people have little choices
    free enterprise
  • President during much of the Cold War. Became Pres. after JFKennedy assassination
    Gerald Ford
    Dwight Eisenhower
    Lyndon Johnson
  • War between South Korea, supported by US and UN, and North Korea, supported by China
    Vietnam War
    Korean Conflict
    Cuban Missile Crisis
  • The most powerful nations in the world
    Power Partners
  • Tension between the US and the Soviet Union in 1962 over nuclear missiles in Cuba
    Korean Conflict
    Cuban Missile Crisis
    Vietnam war
  • Leader of the Soviet Union after Stalin, and head of the Soviet Communist Party during the Cold War
    Fidel Castro
    Nikita Khruschev
    Joseph Stalin