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  • Decide (v)
    To think about something and make a choice Ex: It’s hard to decide whether I want to eat pizza or spaghetti.
  • Stare (v)
    To look at something for a long time Ex: The man stared in disbelief, because he was shocked.
  • Practice (n)
    A regular activity of doing something again and again to get better at it.
  • Different (adj)
    Not being the same Ex: The twin sisters look very different.
  • Fin (n)
    The part of a fish used for swimming
  • Glance (v)
    To look at something for a second Ex: The man glanced at the stranger beside him.
  • Tuba (n)
    A musical instrument that you blow to get a low bass tone
  • Branch (n)
    The part of a tree that grows out form the trunk
  • Googly-eyed (adj)
    Having eyes that are large and sticking out
  • Gunky (adj)
    Sticky or messy and disgusting
  • Extra (adj)
    More than the normal amount
  • Twitch (v)
    to make a sudden small movement with a part of the body, usually without intending to
  • Loose (adj)
    No held or contained
  • Proper (adj)
    Something that is fitting, right, or correct
  • Stream (n)
    A flowing of liquid, gas, etc.
  • Broken (adj)
    In pieces or separated from another thing
  • Curtain (n)
    a piece of cloth that covers a window
  • Whole (adj)
    Complete; full or all of something
  • Goofy (adj)
    crazy or foolish in a funny way
  • Trade (v)
    To give something in exchange for another thing. Ex: The dogs like to trade their food bowls.