
Grammar review: Various present tenses

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  • It is important that El chupacabra study more
    Es importante que el chupacabra estudie más
  • Gabriel Garcia Marquez has written his last book
    GGM ha escrito su último libro
  • you have broken the pencil
    tú has roto el lápiz
  • Where have you been?
    ¿Dónde has estado?
  • Have you been to Mexico in the past month?
    ¿Has estado en México el mes pasado?
  • I did my hw
    hice mi tarea
  • I have gone to school
    yo he ido a la escuela
  • I like Sra. Ray's class
    Me gusta la clase de la Sra.Ray
  • she does her hw
    ella hace su tarea
  • she has liked the pizza
    le ha gustado la pizza
  • I liked the trip
    Me gustó el viaje
  • I worked
    yo trabajé
  • I open the door
    Yo abro la puerta
  • I haven't finishd, let me talk!
    No he terminado! dejame hablar
  • I didn't sing
    yo no canté
  • I have done
    yo he hecho
  • Marcelo runs everyday in the mornings
    MArcelo corre todos los días por las mañanas
  • I wish that you buy a car
    Yo deseo que tú compres un carro
  • I hope that you finish your project
    Espero que tu termines tu proyecto