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  • Change the sentence into a negative statement: "Our teacher does homework"
    Our teacher doesn't do homework
  • Choose the correct option: "Doctor Moffett (love/loves) his job."
  • "Sometimes people need apropriate strategies for social interaction" TRUE OR FALSE? WHY?
  • What platforms are used for instant messaging?
    Facebook Messenger, iMessage, WhatsApp, Hangouts.
  • Complete the sentence using the verb in the present tense: "Jane_________ (play)
  • Complete the sentence using the verb in the present tense: "The plane __________ (fly)"
  • Change the sentence into a negative statement: "I drive to work."
    I don't drive to work.
  • Complete the sentence using the verb in the present tense: "She_________(cook)
  • Complete with a question word: (______) does my brother work? (Time)
    When does my brother work?
  • Why do people need to be social? Give a complete answer.
    Personal answers.
  • Choose the correct option: "A salesperson (sell / sells) products for a company."
  • Complete with a question word:(___________) hours a day do you work? (amount of time)
    How many hours a day do you work?
  • What is a friend?
    A person whom one does not know or with whom one is not familiar.
  • What is a stranger?
    A person one knows slightly, but who is not a close friend.
  • Define acquaintance with your words.
    Answers may vary. Possible: A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.
  • "Social skills are based only on non-verbal communication" TRUE OR FALSE? WHY?
  • Cite three examples of social media platforms?
    Tiktok, Facebook, Instagram
  • Complete the sentence: When we live in a community... a) we are part of a society b) he or she is considered sociable c) because it is in our nature to do so
    a) We are part of a society
  • What is social media?
    Answers may vary. One example: Social media refers to websites and apps that allow people to interact with others, or create and share content.
  • Choose the correct option: "We (write/writes) science books.
  • Complete with a question word: (______) do you work? (Place)
    Where do you work?
  • Unscramble the sentence below: mathematics / teaches / to / She / children. / young
    She teaches mathematics to young children.
  • Complete the sentence: "Being social helps us..." a)because it is in our nature to do so b)because they need others to survive c)to learn new information, to make friends, to find love, employment, etc.
    c)to learn new information, to make friends, to find love, employment, etc.
  • What information is required to set up an online profile?
    Most social media sites require users to set up a profile, which usually includes a name, e-mail address, birthdate, interests and a photo.
  • Unscramble the sentence below: usually / Mark / dinner / has / at 6 p.m.
    Mark usually has dinner at 6 pm
  • What is the definition of society? Give a complete answer.
    Personal answers.