
Non-Mendelian Genetics

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  • Males are more likely to inherit a sex linked trait due to the fact that they have only one __________ chromosome
  • 3/4 orange tabby cats are male. This is because the gene for this trait are found on the _______________ .
    X Chromosome
  • If a gene is found only on the X chromosome and not the Y chromosome, it is said to be what?
    Sex linked Trait
  • This leads to a "blended" phenotype
    Incomplete Dominance
  • A red flowered plant was crossed with a white flowered on. Their species shows incomplete dominance for this trait. What color will the offspring's flowers be?
  • This is the chromosome that carries the male genetic traits
  • True or False: Men can NEVER be "carriers" for recessive sex-linked traits because they only have one X chromosome.
  • In terms of chromosomes, females receive this combination
  • Typically when graphed, the frequency of these types of traits show a bell shaped curve
    Polygenic Trait
  • The gene combinations such as heterozygous, or Aa are called
  • Certain types of color-blindness are more common in males than in females because they are inherited in this pattern
  • A single trait that has 3 or more alternative forms. These are called
    Multiple alleles
  • T/F: Some traits can be due to a combination of inheritance patterns
  • Human hair, eye, and skin color are all examples of
    Polygenic traits
  • A, B, O blood type is a example of this
    Multiple Alleles
  • When one allele is not dominant over the other, resulting in both traits expressed in a heterozygous individual
  • This is when a trait is controlled by more than one PAIRS of genes
    Polygenic trait
  • Genetics is just one contributing factor to phenotype, another important factor is
    the environment
  • Someone who has AB+ or - blood type is an example of this
  • A red flowered plant was crossed with a white flowered on. Their species shows co-dominance for this trait. What color will the offspring's flowers be?
    Red and white (bicolored)
  • General genetics terms that refers to what you see, or the physical appearance of an organism
  • This pattern of inheritance is demonstrated when a gene from one locus can prevent the full expression of another gene at a different locus.