
Grade 8 English Unit 1-5 Revision

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  • When you end a phone call, you .......... the phone.
    hang up
  • Could you give me the .................. ? I want to make an omelette for breakfast.
  • Thanks for .................... me to your birthday party on Sunday, but I can't attend it.
  • She ................. the invitation to the party because she was busy on that day.
  • A: Can I .............. the soup, mum? It's not enough. B: Sure.
  • Find the question: A: ............. B: I bake the cake for about 40 minutes.
    How long do you bake the cake?
  • I like wearing ............... clothes such as jeans while my sister prefers wearing formal clothes.
  • She .................. on the photos of her friends and sometimes ................ her photos on her account.
    comments / uploads
  • A: Can I speak to Anna? B: ................. she is not available at the moment. She is having a shower.
    I'm afraid
  • My mobile is .................., so I should take it to the shop.
  • My friend, Emre never gets worried about anything. He's so ................. .
  • Do you forget to take a .............. with you when you go camping. You'll need it to see better at night.
    torch / flashlight
  • I try to ................... with my old friends from school as often as possible.
    keep in touch
  • Thanks for inviting me, but I can't join you. ( Make an excuse sentence !!!!)
    (I should look after my sister.)
  • Find the question: A: ..............? B: Hold on, please. I will connect you to Mr. Yeager.
    Could you put me through to Mr. Yeager?
  • Tell us 5 ways of cooking !!!
    grilling - frying - boiling - baking - streaming
  • Find the question sentence: A: ............ ? B: I prefer reading travel books because I like learning about new places.
    What kind of books do you like / prefer reading?
  • We have a family .................. next Friday. We're going to celebrate our grandmother's birthday.
  • A: ...................... do you meet your friends? B: Hardly ever.
    How often
  • He's so ................. . He thinks he is the best at everything.
  • My best friend always .................. when I have a problem. I 'm lucky to have a friend like her.
    backs me up / supports me / stands by me / listens to me / helps me
  • Stir the flour and milk with a .................. .
  • Translate it into English: Dedektif kitapları okumayı çocuk kitaplarına tercih ederim.
    I prefer reading detective books to children's books. / I would rather read detective books than children's books.
  • To be honest, I can't stand rock music. It's really ..................... .
    ridiculous / unbearable / terrible