
Joshua and Walls of Jericho 2

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  • What did the red rope reminds us of?
    The precious blood of JESUS
  • What miracle did God perform so the Israeilites could cross River Jordan?
    The water stood still/ River Jordan dry up( either 1)
  • Did the people trust that God will keep his promise to give them the land and victory?
  • What did GOD destroy in Jericho?
    Everything and everybody Except Rahab and her family
  • How many Israelites cross River Jordan?
    2 million
  • Who carried the Ark of the covenant?
    The Priests
  • How many stones did God tell Joshua to collect from the River Jordan ?
  • What do the 12 stones mean?
    The miracle that the Lord dried up River Jordan for the people to cross
  • How many priests blew trumpets while walking around Jericho?
  • What did the spies tell Rahab to put in her window as a sign of their promise to her?
    A Red Rope