
Early Republic 1

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  • Who wrote the Star-Spangled Banner?
    Francis Scott Key
  • What is the power of the Supreme Court to declare acts of Congress and the president unconstitutional?
    judicial review
  • What is impressment?
    forced kidnapping of American sailors
  • What compromise maintained the balance of power between free and slave states?
    Missouri Compromise of 1820
  • The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions first introduced what idea?
    states' rights
  • What amendment were the Alien & Sedition Acts violating? 1st amendment
    1st amendment
  • Which territory was purchased from Spain for $5 million?
  • How did the U.S. acquire Florida?
    through the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819
  • What is the significance of 1803?
    Louisiana Purchase
  • What Supreme Court case dealt with the issue of whether or not a state could tax the national government?
    McCulloch v. Maryland
  • What is a protective tariff?
    a tax on imported goods to protect American industries from foreign competition
  • What law prohibited Americans from trading with all European nations?
    Embargo Act
  • Who was president during the War of 1812?
    James Madison
  • Which Supreme Court case gave the power of judicial review to the Supreme Court?
    Marbury v. Madison
  • What were some of the causes of the War of 1812?
    impressment, freedom of the seas, British supplied Natives with weapons
  • Which Supreme Court case ruling increased the power of the national government when it gave them control over interstate commerce?
    Gibbons v. Ogden
  • What was the name of the protest by farmers in Pennsylvania in response to the taxes on whiskey?
    Whiskey Rebellion
  • Who was president during the Era of Good Feelings?
    James Monroe
  • What were the components of Hamilton's Financial Plan?
    create National Bank, tax on whiskey, tariffs
  • What were some of the warnings that Washington gave the nation in his Farewell Address?
    stay away from political parties and avoid permanent alliances
  • What election ended in a tie before Thomas Jefferson was elected president?
    Election of 1800
  • What foreign policy told European nations to stay out of the Western Hemisphere?
    Monroe Doctrine
  • Who was known as the "Great Compromiser"?
    Henry Clay
  • Who became known as the hero of the Battle of New Orleans?
    Andrew Jackson
  • When war broke out between France and Great Britain, how did Washington respond?
    stayed neutral with Proclamation of Neutrality
  • What did the Treaty of Ghent do?
    ended the War of 1812
  • Who was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court during which the power of the national government was increased?
    John Marshall
  • Who were the explorers sent by Thomas Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Purchase?
    Lewis and Clark
  • Who was president during the XYZ Affair?
    John Adams
  • Who did the U.S. purchase Louisiana from and for how much?
    France for $15 million