
Hotel services

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  • If you're in the pool and you want a snack or a drink, where do you go?
    To the pool bar
  • To arrange a business meeting in a hotel, you use the ______________.
    Meeting room / Business centre
  • If you want to exercise in a hotel, you go to the ...
    Gym / Fitness centre
  • If you are in a hotel with kids and you want them to do a lot of activities, you use the ______________
    Kids club service
  • What service in a hotel do you use if you want to swim?
    The swimming pool
  • What service in a hotel can you use if you need a massage?
    The spa
  • What service in a hotel do you use to be picked up in the airport?
    Shuttle bus / Transfer
  • In the hotel... Where do you leave your car?
    In the parking area
  • What service in a hotel do you use if you want to eat?
    The restaurant
  • If you need to wash your clothes and you are in a hotel, you use the __________.
    Laundry service
  • If you are in a hotel and you want to eat but you don't want to get out of your bedroom, you use the ____________________
    Room service