
Major Supreme Court Cases

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  • The Supreme Court case of McCulloch vs. Maryland occurred because James McCulloch, head of the Baltimore branch of the 2nd Bank of the United States, refused to do what?
    To pay a tax to the state of Maryland
  • What was the state of Maryland trying to tax in McCulloch vs. Maryland?
    The Second Bank of the United States
  • What Supreme Court ruling (1824) increased the power of the federal government by giving Congress more power than what was specifically stated in the Constitution?
    Gibbons vs. Ogden
  • In Gibbons vs.Ogden, Thomas Gibbons argued that his federal license to operate a steamboat along the coast gave him the right to do what?
    operate his steamboat on the Hudson River without permission from the state of New York
  • Who was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court whose rulings helped to increase the power of the federal government?
    John Marshall
  • In Gibbons vs. Ogden, the Supreme Court declared that the national government had control over what activity in the U.S.
    interstate commerce
  • What Supreme Court case ruled that only the national government could control interstate commerce?
    Gibbons vs. Ogden
  • What was the major issue in McCulloch vs. Maryland?
    if a state could tax the national government
  • Which two Supreme Court cases in the early 1800's increased the power of the national government?
    McCulloch vs. Maryland and Gibbons vs. Ogden