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  • Why did sharecroppers (most of them) live in poverty?
    They often owed landlords more than they made at the end of the year.
  • The Constitution of 1866 was amended in Texas for what reason?
    To keep control over the Freedmen
  • What did the 14th Amendment say?
    All people born or naturalized in the US are citizens
  • Who killed the majority of buffalo and Native Americans?
    US ARMY/ TEXAS RANGERS/ Westward expansion/ Indian Removal act
  • Why was the KKK formed?
    White southerners felt like their way of life was being threaten
  • What is a poll tax?
    A personal tax to be paid before voting
  • After the Civil War ended white settlers moved towards the west causing the migration of this community?
    Native Americans
  • What did the 15th amendment do
    Banned states from denying African American males the right to vote
  • Which of these is NOT a reason why the Freemen's Bureau was created?
    Unite Families
    Food and Supplies
    Tenant Farming
  • Name 3 methods southern states used to prevent African Americans from being treated equal.
    The grandfather clause, poll tax, literacy tests, Jim Crow laws, sharecropping, segregation, black codes, KKK
  • What amendment banned the use of slavery and forced labor?
  • Name TWO things the Freedman's Bureau did to help the black community?
    set up schools, jobs, and courts to settle disputes, hospitals, food and supplies, reunited families
  • What is a sharecropper
    Black Americans who farmed land in return for a portion of the value of the crop.
  • What part of the South's economy began recovery first during Reconstruction
  • What amendment declared who a citizen was?
    14th Amendment
  • What holiday celebrates the moment most southern states acknowledge the freedom of blacks
  • What was Abraham Lincoln's main goal during the beginning of Reconstruction
    Unite the Country
  • What were some of the KKK tactics to instill fear into African Americans and their sympathizers.
    Ride at night, yelling threats, burning black houses/schools/churches/business, burn wooden crosses.
  • Why did Texas feel the pain after the Civil War had ended
    The lost all their free labor
  • What was the goal of the Ku Klux Klan
    To keep race's apart.... whites in power
  • What did the 15th Amendment do?
    Gave black the right to vote
  • Black Codes were made to do what?
    Deny African American Rights
  • Who was John Wilkes Booth
    assassinated Abraham Lincoln and was a Confederate sympathizer.
  • Define segregation
    enforced separation of races
  • What do you call a person that farms the land for his landlord to live on their property
    Tenant Farmer
  • What became a point of conflict during Reconstruction by Andrew Johnson and his party?
    Approved marriage between races
    Denying Blacks the ability to hold political office
    Approved Blacks the ability to hold political office
    Deny Blacks the ability to buy land
  • Who were excluded from citizen rights in the 14th amendment?
    Women and Native Americans
  • Who was Andrew Johnson?
    He was Abraham's Vice President and became president after Lincoln's death.
  • What were enslaved people who had been freed by the war called?