
Inspector calls

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  • Where did Eva/Daisy go after her affair with Gerald ended?
    she went for 2 months away to "some seaside place"
  • Who does Arthur really blame for everything after the Inspector leaves?
    Eric - he says "you're the one I blame for all of this"
  • What is Arthur concerned about when he hears Sybil refused to help Eva/Daisy
    He is concerned about the family reputation. "the press might easily take it up"
  • Act 3 - True or False: Eva/Daisy wanted Eric to go into "her lodgings" on the first night they met
    False: Eric said that he was "in that state when a chap easily turns nasty"
  • Put the characters in order who knew Daisy first - Gerald, Sheila, Eric, Arthur and Sybil
    Arthur, Sheila, Gerald, Eric and then Sybil
  • who says: "we are members of one body"
    Inspector goole
  • True or False: Sheila refuses to marry Gerald after finding out about the affair
    False, she gives her engagement ring back and says "they have to start all over again"
  • Who says: "Everything's all right now Sheila"
    Gerald - Last line of the play
  • Who says:"these girls aren't cheap labour - they're people
    Sheila - referring to Daisy/Eva and other women from her social class
  • which 2 characters in the end don't agree that its "all over now?"
    Sheila and Eric
  • who said: "as if a girl of that sort would ever refuse money"
    Sybil Birling
  • Who says: "you're just beginning to pretend all over again"
    Sheila to her family after the Inspector leaves in Act 3
  • How did Sheila abuse her position of power to get Eva sacked from Milwards?
    she told the manager "as a daughter of a good customer" threatened to close her account
  • why does Arthur mention to the Inspector that the Chief constable is "an old friend"
    to intimidate the inspector by knowing his high contacts in the police force
  • why did Gerald end his affair with Eva/Daisy
    Because he had to go away on business and he said, "it was coming to an end anyway"
  • Act 2: In the beginning, What do Sheila and Gerald reveal to Sybil about Eric
    that Eric drinks a lot
  • Who are these stage directions for? "not quite at ease, half shy, half assertive"
    Eric - showing his uneasiness of being around his family
  • Who says: "He's giving us rope - so that we'll hang ourselves" and who are the talking about?
    Sheila is talking about the inspector
  • How does Sybil react to seeing Eva/Daisy's photo
    she pretends she does not recognise her
  • why did Gerald come back to the Birling house?
    He found out from another police officer there is no Inspector Goole working for them
  • What does the inspector think why does Sheila want to stay and hear the whole story about Eva/Daisy
    Because she "feels responsible" for her death
  • Who says: "was it or was it not your influence?" and to who is it spoken
    Inspector says it to Sybil Birling
  • True or False: Arthur thought Eva was good at her job
    True: He said that she was a "good worker"
  • How does Eric feel around his family
    "not quite at ease" because his parents don't understand him and he is hiding his drinking
  • Who said: "and I say there isn't a chance of war"
    Arthur Birling
  • Who said: "the famous younger generation who know it all"
    Arthur Birling
  • How does Arthur and Sybil speak after the Inspector leaves and they find out he might not be real
    They speak arrogantly and "triumphantly" when they find out he was a fake
  • Who says: "You were the wonderful fairy prince" and to who was it said
    Sheila said it to Gerald when he was relaying his story about his affair
  • Who says: "I speak as a hard-headed business man"
    Arthur - in Act 1 when speaking about the future of society