
Final Jan 2021 Lv 3

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  • What is yours, but is used much more often by your friends?
    Your name
  • What do you call a camel with 4 humps?
  • What disappears the second you start talking about it?
  • What’s got many, many keys – but is unable to open any door?
    A piano
  • How many sides are there to a circle?
    Two. The inside and the outside.
  • How can somebody walk for 8 days without sleeping?
    He sleeps only at night.
  • How do you throw an egg on the floor without cracking it?
    Unless you have very bad floors, throw the egg any which way. The floor shouldn’t crack from a simple egg throw.
  • Where does Friday always come before Thursday?
    In a dictionary.
  • What can you break without having to touch it?
    A promise
  • A pink girl with a pink dress, a pink cat, a pink hat and pink walls lives in a pink single floored house. What color are her stairs?
    There are no stairs in a single floored house
  • If you feed me, I live. If you give me a drink, I die. What am I?
  • Peter’s smart phone fell into a big mug of coffee but didn’t get wet. How was this possible?
    It was coffee powder.
  • What is dirty after washing?
    Your bath water
  • I have 4 legs but never run. What am I?
    A Chair
  • What was the world’s highest mountain before the discovery of Mount Everest?
    The Mount Everest (it doesn’t matter whether people discovered it or not, it was the highest mountain even before that!)
  • What can answer in any language? What can speak without a mouth? What can sing without an ear?
    An echo or Duncan
  • What goes up when the water comes down?
    An umbrella.
  • What table can you eat?
    A vegetable.
  • Do you know what you can hold without ever touching it?
    A conversation
  • When you take 2 out of 3 apples away, how many apples do you have?
    The 2 apples you’ve taken with you.
  • What’s as big as an elephant but weighs 0 kg?
    The elephant’s shadow.
  • When do you go in through one hole and come out through two holes at the same time?
    Putting on a pair of pants
  • What falls down from great heights but is never injured?
  • What has a tail and a head, but no body?
    A coin
  • A man on a flat Football field, kicked a football 10 meters away. The ball came back immediately at the same speed. No one else and no object have been involved. The ball didn’t touch anything on its way. How did the man do that?
    He kicked the ball up in the air.