
Soil Properties Review

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  • If a soil's pH is above 7 it is considered to be ...
  • The pigment of the soil, dependent on the amount of minerals and iron in soil.
    Soil Color
  • Large amounts of humus cause soil to be what color?
    Black or Brown
  • Soil is a ___________ sink. Meaning it traps this chemical. This chemical is harmful to our environment if it is not stored in the soil.
  • What naturally occurring process transforms rocks into soil?
  • Look at the map. What type of soil is in most of Florida?
  • Look at the map. What type of soil is in most of Ohio?
    Silt Loam
  • The property that describes the relative amounts of differently sized soil particles.
    Soil Texture
  • Determined by the amount of minerals, nutrients, and organic matter in soil. A soil's pH.
    Soil Chemistry
  • The rate water passes through soil.
  • The amount of empty space between particles of soil.
  • If soil is very porous it will also be very ___________.
  • If a soil's pH is below 7 it is considered to be ...
  • Large amounts of iron cause soil to be what color?
    Red or Orange