
Seedbed 1 - Book B1

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  • What does a cane help you do?
    A cane helps you walk.
  • Is mud clean or dirty?
    Mud is dirty.
  • What shape do you see on the cube?
    I see diamonds on the cube.
  • Do people live in, on, or under a hut?
    People live in a hut.
  • Is "nut" an adjective, a verb or a noun?
    Nut is a noun.
  • Is June in the winter, spring, summer or fall?
    June is in the summer.
  • What do you need for rainy weather?
    I need a/an ____________ for rainy weather.
  • What do you have fun doing?
    I have fun ____________.
  • Is "mice" singular (one) or plural (many)?
    Mice is plural.
  • What is lacy in this picture?
    The dress is lacy.
  • Does "mute" mean to shout or be quiet?
    Mute means to be quiet.
  • If you cry, do you have zest?
    No, you don't.
  • What can we put in a tub?
    We can put water in a tub.
  • Is a peak the top or bottom of a mountain?
    A peak is the top of a mountain.
  • What can you see in the sky?
    I can see ___________ in the sky.
  • What candy do you like?
    I like _____________.
  • Do you like windy weather?
    Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
  • Where can we see pews?
    We can see pews in a church.
  • What city are you from?
    I am from ________________ City.
  • What is the stew in?
    The stew is in a pot.
  • What can you put on bread?
    I can put ________ on bread.
  • What is the boy tugging?
    The boy is tugging a box.
  • Does "heat" mean hot weather or cold weather?
    Heat means hot weather.
  • What animal can squeak?
    A mouse can squeak.
  • Who/what can fly?
    ___________ can fly.
  • What is it? How do you spell this vocabulary word?
    It is cute. C - U - T - E
  • What do you see on the tube?
    I see a sun on the tube.
  • How many people are on your team?
    There are ____ people on my team.
  • Is fancy a verb, noun or adjective?
    Fancy is an adjective.
  • Is "spread" a verb, adjective, or noun?
    Spread is a verb.
  • What is it? How do you spell this vocabulary word?
    It is ugly. U - G - L - Y
  • What food do you like to eat?
    I like to eat ______________.
  • What is it? How do you spell this vocabulary word?
    It's a mule. M - U - L - E
  • What is the opposite of new?
    The opposite of new is old.
  • What is the dew on?
    The dew is on a leaf.
  • Who has a cape?
    ____________ has a cape.
  • Is "cut" a who, what, where, when, why or action word?
    Cut is an action word.
  • Is "hew" an action word?
    Yes. Hew is an action word.
  • What tune do you like?
    I like the tune of __________.
  • What is heavy?
    A _____________ is heavy.
  • What color is the cab?
    The cab is yellow.
  • Is a crew made of one person or many people?
    A crew is made of many people.
  • What is a dune made of?
    A dune is made of sand.
  • What is the name of this bug?
    It's a ladybug.
  • What is the opposite of dry?
    The opposite of dry is wet.
  • What is the girl ready to do?
    The girl is ready to eat.
  • What is it? How do you spell this vocabulary word?
    It's a screw. S - C - R - E - W
  • What can you put on a cone?
    I can put ice cream on a cone.
  • What animal makes a "mew" sound?
    Cats make a "mew" sound.
  • What is the opposite of weak?
    The opposite of weak is strong.