
Show What You Know about MLK Jr.

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  • What is something you learned about MLK this week?
    varied answers
  • MLK received the Nobel Peace Prize for his work for civil rights. True or False
  • What speech did MLK give that is still famous today?
    His "I have a Dream" speech
  • Name one of the unfair laws that took away the rights for black people.
    varied answers
  • Where was MLK born?
    Atlanta, Georgia
  • How did MLK die?
    He was shot by a white man.
  • What happened that MLK said they should boycott the buses and not ride them?
    Rosa Parks got arrested for saying NO to a white man.
  • What kind of protests did MLK lead to change unfair laws?
    peaceful protests
  • What was a job he had that was like his father?
    He was a preacher.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. is famous for being a c_______ r________ l___________.
    civil rights leader