
The Mistake Game

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  • Where do you go to school?
    That's a mistake-- well done!
  • What is this animal?
    Nope-- Prrrrroud of you!
  • Name 3 breakfast foods
    Whaaaaat? Excellent!
  • Count to 5
    Nope-- great job!
  • Who is your favorite super hero?
    No way-- great job!
  • Spell your name
    You made a mistake-- well done!
  • 2 + 2 = ???
    That's not it-- excellent!
  • What color is your hair?
    No way!
  • When is your birthday
    That's not it-- awesome!
  • Hold up 4 fingers
    Well done-- that was wrong!
  • Look at your ceiling
    You got it wrong-- excellent!
  • What is this animal called?
    You made a mistake-- well done!
  • How many pets do you have?
    Nope-- high five!
  • Who is your teacher?
    That's not right-- high five!
  • Count to 10
    You made a mistake-- good job!
  • What color is the sky?
    Nope-- high five!