
GEP 10 U8a + b

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  • A synonym for baffled
    1. confused 2. dumbstruck 3. bewildered 4. perplexed
  • another word for a criminal
    an offender
  • What do you call a person who writes a review on the good/bad qualities of a book, film, food etc
    a critic
  • to be found not guilty and set free
  • Make this passive: The police caught the armed gang
    The armed gang was caught (by the the police)
  • What do you call somebody who takes money from someone in the street using violence, or intimidation?
    a mugger
  • Make a passive sentence and begin with 'it': police believe the man is in his 40s
    It is believed that the man is in his 40s
  • Make a passive sentence and begin with 'it': police believe the burglar is a local man
    it is believed (that) the burglar is a local man
  • Make a passive sentence from, begin the sentence with 'it': people think the murderer is a woman
    It is thought that the murderer is a woman
  • Who breaks into a private house or office and steals?
    a burglar
  • not working for one organisation, selling your work to highest bidder
  • Name at least 4 types of punishments given to criminals
    community service, probation, fines, imprisonment
  • to treat opinions and evidence in a fair and unbiased way
  • There was a lot of swearing in the film, so the film had to be .... so that it wouldn't offend anbody.
  • not fair, preferring one side over the other
  • the opposite of guilty
  • What do you call somebody who writes of magazines and offers advice?
    an agony aunt