
Face to Face Calls Manners

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  • Watch TV while you are on a video call.
    No, pay attention to your friend!
  • Wear your robe and pajamas when you make a video call.
    No, that's a not a good idea!
  • Look at the camera when you FaceTime.
  • Play with your dog or cat during a video call.
  • Walk around without your phone when you are talking to a friend on FaceTime.
    No, stay in front of your camera!
  • FaceTime in a quiet place.
    Yes, your friend will be able to hear you!
  • Facetime late at night or early in the morning.
    No, you should be sleeping and your friend is, too!
  • FaceTime when you are in bed.
    No, get up and get dressed!
  • Eat while you are on a FaceTime call.
    No, that's rude!
  • Make a FaceTime call in the bathroom.
    No, that's just rude!
  • Face the camera when on a video call.
    Yes, that's a good idea.
  • Text your friend and ask when is a good time for a video call.
    Yes, great idea!
  • Get dressed before you FaceTime.
    Yes, that's a good idea!
  • Don't read your texts when on a FaceTime call.
    That's right! Read your texts later!
  • Facetime late at night or early in the morning.
    No, you should be sleeping and your friend is, too!
  • Text "Can I FaceTime you now?'
    Yes, that's a good idea!
  • Pay attention to your friend when you are FaceTiming.
    Yes, your friend wants to talk to you!
  • Make sure you have enough light when you are making a video call.
  • Talk really loud when you are on a video call.
    No, talk normally.
  • FaceTime someone who is driving.
    No, call later.
  • Video Call someone without asking.
    Not a good idea!
  • Sit in a dark room when you video call someone.
    No, the person won't be able to see you!