
Vocabulary Voyage First Ten Words

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  • Use the word 'reluctant' in a sentence
    eg. I was reluctant to spend my money on something so expensive
  • Use the word 'obstruct' in a sentence
    eg. I couldn't move my car as there was a lorry obstructing the road
  • Give two examples of someone who might investigate something in their job
    Scientist, researcher, doctor, detective, police officer
  • Think of an antonym for efficient
    inefficient, disorganised
  • Think of a synonym for obstruct
    block, hinder, hold back, hamper, inhibit, encumber
  • Give a definition of the word solitary
    to be alone
  • Give a definition for the word 'ambitious'
    Having a strong desire or determination to succeed
  • Can you think of something you are often reluctant to do?
    eg. I am often reluctant to go for a run
  • What is the difference between an opinion and a fact?
    Opinions are your own thoughts or feelings about somethings. Facts are statements that can be proven true or false.
  • Give an example of a time when you have been ambitious
    eg. when I really wanted to go to university so I worked really hard to do so
  • Use the word inspire in a sentence
    Seeing other people succeeding inspires me to want to do better
  • Think of a synonym for the word 'observe'
    watch, see, spot
  • Use the word 'solitary' in a sentence
    eg. the old man lived a solitary life; he rarely saw any other people
  • Give an example of when you have been efficient
    eg. When I sorted through all my clothes and threw away ones I no longer wanted
  • Give a definition for the word 'investigate'
    To carry out research or study into something, to try and discover the facts
  • Think of an antonym of cautious
    careless, reckless