
Unit 4 Math Review Game

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  • Put these numbers in order from greatest to least. 16, 66, 92, 38
    92, 66, 38, 16
  • A 2 digit number has 3 tens and 9 ones. What number is it?
  • Skip count by 5's from 5-120!
    5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120
  • Complete the sentences. There are ___ tens and ____ ones. There is ___ in all.
    There are 5 tens and 7 ones. There is 57 in all.
  • A 2 digit number has 6 tens and 8 ones. What number is it?
  • Which digit is in the tens place in the number 58?
  • When counting backwards, what 3 numbers would come next? 29, 28, 27, 26.....
    25, 24, 23
  • Count the coins. How many cents are there altogether?
    3 cents
  • Name this coin and how much it is worth.
    Dime and it's worth 10 cents.
  • Skip count by 10's from 10-120!
    10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120
  • Name this coin and how much it is worth.
    Penny and it's worth 1 cent.
  • Count the coins. How many cents are there altogether?
    25 cents.
  • Count the coins. How many cents are there altogether?
    70 cents.
  • What is the value of the digit in the tens place in 79?
  • Name this coin and how much it is worth.
    Nickel and it is worth 5 cents.
  • 32 is __________________ 85. Greater than, Less Than, or Equal To?
    Less Than
  • About how many pieces of candy?
  • Name this coin and how much it is worth.
    Quarter and it's worth 25 cents.
  • 44 is ________________ 39. Greater Than, Less Than, or Equal To.
    Greater Than
  • These numbers are organized for you. Which way are they organized...from least to greatest or greatest to least? 20, 55, 78,101
    Least to greatest
  • Which digit is in the ones place in the number 42?
  • Complete the sentences. There are ___ tens and ____ ones. There is ___ in all.
    There are 2 tens and 5 ones. There is 25 in all.
  • When counting backwards, what 3 numbers would come next? 18, 17, 16, 15....
    14, 13, 12
  • Put these numbers in order from least to greatest. 81, 9, 42, 44
    9, 42, 44, 81
  • About how many gumballs do you see?