
QUARTER 2 MODULE 1: Electronic Structure of Matt ...

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  • What is this atomic model and who proposed it?
    Billiard Ball Model - John Dalton
  • What is the Octet Rule?
    Atoms tend to form compounds in ways that give them eight valence electrons
  • What are chemical bonds?
    Forces that hold atoms together to make chemical or molecular compounds
  • What does Electrostatic Force aka Coulomb Interaction means?
    Like charges repel and opposite charges attract
  • What is the main purpose of Quantum Numbers?
    Determines the location and energy of an electron within an atom
  • What does the SPDF orbitals stand for?
    S-Sharp, P-Principal, D-Diffuse, F-Fundamental
  • What are electron orbitals?
    Dense regions where there is 90-95% probability of locating an electron
  • How do ionic bonds form?
    Formed when there is a complete transfer (lose or gain) of valence electrons between atoms
  • The energy required to remove an electron from an atom in its ground state.
    Ionization Energy
  • Identify the type of bond formed and explain how it happened
    Ionic Bond - 2 Al atoms donated 3 electrons (per atom) and 3 O atoms received 2 electrons (per atom)
  • What is the difference between an Orbital, a Subshell and a Shell?
    Shells - orbitals with the same n, Subshells - all orbitals with same n and shape, Orbitals - specific regions in a subshell
  • What are the FOUR Quantum Numbers?
    Principal QN, Angular Momentum QN. Magnetic QN, and Spin QN
  • A simplified representation of the valence shell electrons in an element or molecule
    Lewis Electron Dot Structure
  • What is this atomic model and who proposed it?
    Quantum Mechanical Model - Erwin Schrodinger
  • Give 3 characteristics of nonmetals
    Poor conductors, Gain electrons (forms anions), Dull, Brittle
  • How can we identify which element should be used as the central atom?
    the atom with the lowest subscript in the molecular formula and the atom that can form the most bonds
  • How to can you draw Lewis Electron Dot Structures of single elements?
    (1) Represent the atom using its symbol and (2) Draw the valence electrons as dots around the atom
  • Give 3 characteristics of metalloids
    Semiconductors, in between metals and non metals
  • Give 3 characteristics of metals
    Ductile, Malleable, Lustrous, Lose electrons (form Cations), Good conductors
  • What does the Heisenberg Principle states?
    It is impossible to know the exact position and energy of an electron at the same time
  • What does the Pauli Exclusion Principle states?
    No two electrons in the same atom can have identical values for all four of their quantum numbers
  • The power of an atom to attract electrons to itself
  • Who proposed that all particles could be treated as matter waves?
    Louie De Broglie
  • How do covalent bonds form?
    Formed when electron pairs are shared between atoms