
Mahatma Gandhi

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  • What happened at Jallianwala Baug and how did Gandhiji feel about it?
    Shots fired at the Indians at the Baug, 1000 people killed/ Gandhiji was outraged
  • Gandhiji encouraged Indians to make their own clothes using a ................
  • What did Indians boycott during the Non-Cooperation Movement?
    Schools, Banks, Election, British goods, British awards
  • How did Gandhiji protest against the Salt laws?
    Dandi March, defied British policy by making salt from seawater
  • What did Gandhiji study in South Africa?
  • What was the aim of the Non-Cooperation Movement
  • What does Civil Disobedience mean?
    Non-violent way of not obeying unfair laws and orders
  • Why did Indians meet at the Jallianwala Baug?
    To protest and celebrate Baisakhi
  • What does Non-Cooperation mean?
    Refuse to cooperate or follow instructions of others
  • How was Gandhiji treated during a train journey in South Africa?
    Racial oppression (students elaborate)
  • Name the British officer who ordered the firing at Jallianwala Baug.
    General Dyre
  • Gandhiji was considered as 'The Father of the ......... '.
    The Father of the Nation
  • What type of protest did Gandhiji believe in?
    Non-violent protest
  • Mahatma Gandhi's real name is ...............
    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
  • How did British react when Gandhiji broke the Salt law?
    Gandhiji and his followers were arrested
  • What did Gandhiji tell the Hindus and Muslims to do?
    To be united, maintain brotherhood and harmony
  • Why were Indians upset about the Salt laws?
    It stopped Indians from collecting or selling salt, Indians were forced to buy it from their British traders, increased tax on salt