
YE4 - Connectors

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  • Roger works very hard to help his parents. He’s also a good student. (In addition)
    Roger works very hard to help his parents. In addition, he’s also a good student.
  • The service at this restaurant is excellent. .........., the food is delicious. (Furthermore/ However)
  • Their team has got the best players. Their coach is fantastic. (Furthermore)
    Their team has got the best players. Furthermore, their coach is fantastic.
  • Cristina loves playing sport........ she’s not very good at it (in addition/ although)
  • Lorena seems to be quite clever. ......., she often gets low marks. (however/ in addition)
  • Write the sentence: I exercise every day. I can’t seem to lose any weight. (Although)
    Although I exercise every day, I can’t seem to lose any weight.
  • I tried to lift the box. It was too heavy for me.(However)
    I tried to lift the box. However, it was too heavy for me.
  • John can speak five languages. He's now learning Chinese. (In addition)
    John can speak five languages. In addition, he's now learning Chinese.
  • Write the sentence: Fiona is thoughtful. She isn't very reliable. (however)
    Fiona is thoughtful. However, she isn't very reliable.
  • Jordi is a careful driver. .........., he’s had several accidents. (However/ furthermore)