
Immigration - 4th Grade

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  • How many oceans are there?
  • Why did the Mexicans come to America?
    Better Jobs, Better Life
  • Why did the Russians come to America?
    Religious Freedom, Better Life
  • What were the people that came from Sudan called and why did they come?
    The Lost Boys, War
  • What does migrate mean?
    to move from place to place
  • How many Lost Boys came from Sudan?
  • How many continents are there?
  • What did the immigrants have to do at Ellis Island to get into America?(3 things)
    medical inspections, interviews(questioned), prove they had money
  • What were the name of the islands that immigrants had to go through before entering America?
    Ellis Island, Angel Island
  • Name one famous immigrant that now lives in America.
  • Where did immigrants come from that came through Angel Island?
    Asia, Mexico
  • Which countries did we talk about immigrants coming from?
    Mexico, Sudan, Ireland, Russia, Vietnam
  • Why did the Vietnamese come to America?
  • What happened to an immigrant if they were sick at Ellis Island?
    sent back to their country, sent to the infirmary to see if they got better
  • Name the 7 continents.
    North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica
  • What does emigrate mean?
    to leave your own country to live in another
  • Name the 5 oceans.
    Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Indian, Southern
  • Why did the Irish come to America?
    Potato Famine
  • What was it like on the boats for the immigrants?
    crowded, hungry, smelly
  • What was your favorite part about learning about immigrants?(Looking for 3 responses)
  • What does immigrate mean?
    to come to another country to live permanently
  • What was it called when the Mexicans would come to America to work for a season, then go home?
  • What is a timeline used for?
    to show dates of events in chronological(sequential) order
  • What statute did the immigrants see when entering America to show freedom?
    The Statue of Liberty
  • What is it called when 2 groups of people in the same country fight?
    A Civil War