
Humanities 7 Lesson 7 & 8 Vocabulary Test Review

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  • Premier
    First in time or importance.
  • Prime
    First in rank, excellence, quality, importance, or time.
  • Antebellum
    Of a period before a war, especially the American Civil War.
  • Precept
    A command; a rule of conduct.
  • Posthumous
    Occurring or continuing after death, especially a work published after the author's death or a child born after the father's death.
  • Primordial
    Primeval; original; fundamental.
  • Preposterous
    Absurd; contrary to nature or reason.
  • Vanguard
    The foremost position, especially of an army or fleet; leaders of a movement, fashion, etc.
  • Pretentious
    Showy; pompous; claiming unjustified distinction.
  • Posterior
    Situated behind or at back.
  • Preempt
    To take possession of something before anyone else can do so.
  • Avant-garde
    Ahead of times, especially in the arts.
  • Posterity
    Future generations. A person's descendants.
  • Predestination
    The belief that what happens in human life has already been determined by some higher power.
  • Primeval
    Belonging to the first ages; ancient.
  • Premonition
    A warning in advance.
  • Anterior
    Coming before in position or time.
  • Antecedent
    A thing or event that precedes.
  • Primate
    An archbishop or bishop who ranks highest among others. A member of the order of animals that includes monkeys, apes, and humans.