
Living Oxford English 1A U5-6 Listening (oral)

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  • What does your father look like? He is ____________ and __________.
    He is tall and thin. / He is short and fat. / He is...
  • These / Those are _________________. They ________________.
    These are flowers. They are pink.
  • What is that? That ... It has...
    That is a bear. It has small eyes.
  • What does your mother have? She has ___________ mouth / eyes / arms / nose ...
    She has big ears / long hair / a long face.
  • Who is this? This is... She has ...
    This is the Principal. She has black hair.
  • These / Those are _________________. They have _________.
    Those are birds. They have small wings.
  • What are they? They are ... They have...
    They are pigs. They have big noses.
  • This / That is ________________. It ______________.
    This is a pencil. It is big.
  • What is it? It is ... It has ...
    It is a shark. It has a big head / sharp teeth.