
Up your vocabulary

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  • Define: Chide
    To voice disapproval
  • Define: covetous
    to want something belonging to someone else
  • Define: Abberation
    When something differs from the norm
  • Define: Brusque
    to be short, abrupt or dismissive
  • Define: ostentatious
    to show off and be pretentious
  • Define: Brazen
    To be bold with your statements
  • Define: Belittle
    to make someone feel inferior
  • Define: Omniscient
    knowing everything
  • Define: Debase
    to lower the quality and esteem of something
  • Define: Callous
    to be harsh, cold and unfeeling
  • Define: Disparage
    To speak down in an insulting and rude manner
  • Define: Eloquent
    fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.