
Grade 3 half year practce

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  • Which state of matter can flow?
  • Name 3 states of matter
    Solid, liquid, gas
  • What is a vertebrate? Give me an example.
    A vertebrate is an animal that has a skeleton/ backbone (spine).
  • What are 2 muscles that work together to bend your arm?
    biceps and triceps
  • Give 1 example of a joint.
    Elbow, shoulder, knee, knuckle
  • What does the skull protect?
    the brain
  • What is the name for a broken bone?
  • Why are muscles attached to bones?
    Because bones can't move, so the muscles need to pull the bones to help move our body
  • Do you need to heat or cool for evaporation to occur? Give an example of evaporation
    Heat (teacher check example)
  • Where is your pelvis?
    (point to your hip)
  • What bone protects the lungs?
  • What do we use antibiotics for?
    Antibiotics kill bacteria. We use them when we have a bacterial infection (sick from bacteria)
  • An icecream melts in the sun, the solid is changing to a liquid. Which process is this?
  • What do we use a compass for? How does it work?
    To know the direction we are going in (find our way). The magnet always points north.
  • What is the law of magnetism?
    Opposite poles of a magnet attract
  • Name 1 thing that uses a magnet to do a job (and how it works)
    teacher checks
  • Name 3 symptoms you can have when you are sick.
    teacher checks
  • When it's cold outside , drops appear outside of the window, because the air(gas) is changing to a liquid. What is the process called?
  • How do the particles in a gas behave?
    Particles are free to move and they are far away from eachother
  • What are the two sides of a magnet called?
    North pole and south pole
  • What does the spine protect?
    Spinal cord