
Choices and consequences

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  • You are in a group with the smartest kid in your class. You decide to let them do all the work.
    What could happen?
  • The math assignment is hard so you decide to quit trying.
    What could happen?
  • People keep moving your bathroom pass.
    What should you do?
  • You lose a game and start yelling "It's not fair!"
    How would yelling make your friends feel?
  • You are frustrated and ask for a break.
    How does this make your teacher feel?
  • During independent work time you are confused about a problem.
    What should you do?
  • You offer to help your teacher.
    What could happen?
  • Why is it important to keep your materials organized and your workspace neat?
  • You have a project due in a week. You decide to wait until the night before to work on it.
    What could happen?
  • You promise to play with your friend at recess, but get invited to play with another group.
    What should you do?
  • Someone from your class is alone at recess and you ask them to play.
    What could happen?
  • You want to go out and play after school so you decide to hide your homework.
    What could happen?
  • You have a test at the end of the week and decide to study a little bit each day.
    What could happen?
  • You are working in a group and don't agree with the group plan.
    What should you do? What could you say?
  • You get left out of a game at recess and feel ready to explode. Name 3 ways you can calm down.
    1. 2. 3.
  • You are talking while the teacher is giving directions.
    What could happen?
  • You don't want to go to Specials with the big class and decide to run and hide.
    What could happen?
  • You rush through your worksheet during centers.
    What could happen?
  • You know the answer but your teacher isn't calling on you. You decide to shout out the answer.
    What could happen?